Sunday, May 4, 2008

Live Under A Blood Red Sky: Raining Mud

Okay, Ive really done a terrible job with my blog. Ill try to do better and Ill try to get a new topic next time but Im in a weather rut.
My roommate in college, Don, introduced me to the rock band U2 back in the 80s. Ive been a fan ever since. I think one of the best live albums ever is Live Under A Blood Red Sky. I always that that was a neat title but it really couldn’t mean anything. Well, I thought about that album the other day because we were Live Under A Blood Red Sky…another dust storm, but the effects were incredible.
The dust storm coincided with an actual thunderstorm. The sky turned brown with sand then rapidly went to a yellowish tint and about 10minutes later the entire area was red. Literally it was a blood-red color. Then it was almost black as night. This was at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It then began to rain. Naturally, the drops cleansed the sky of the sand as it rained. The effect there was muddy water raining down. Everything caught outside was covered in muddy water. My uniform had numerous brown stains from the mud rain.

The weather here is generally boring. Hot, dusty, hot, dry and hot. Temps have averaged about 110. So far the hottest was 118. As we get into the summer the temps will naturally climb. I think it will be about 120ish in June and near 130 in late July and August. I can’t wait (he said sarcastically). I’ve got to get another thermometer…mine only goes to 120. They sell thermometers that go to 140…I’ll have to get one..somehow.

Other than that, things have been pretty normal for this place. Our convoys go out daily and we continue to study the enemy and find ways to safely and successfully execute our mission which is to escort those logistics convoys. I think I’ll get out on one this week and make a trip through Baghdad to see what the routes are like.

I normally don’t do convoy work. My job is support those convoys by analyzing and briefing enemy activity. This trip will get me out of the office and give me a chance to get a feel for what I am supporting. It helps me do my job better when I understand what’s going on on the roads. Wish me luck. Ill tell you about it when I get back.

That’s about it for now. Take care and Ill write more later.

SABER 2,out.

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